Kelea Foundation teams up with Adaptive Maui

Our mission here at Kelea Foundation has always been to make the ocean accessible to all women. While our programs have been open to all self identifying females, we haven’t always been totally inclusive. We knew this 2 years ago and have slowly been making progress towards becoming a truly accessible organization.

In a long arching effort, we have learned that it takes hard work and dedication to do what is necessary for everyone to participate in programs. There is a systems shift that has to happen and we have been making that shift. Building our own awareness, educating ourselves and working in collaboration with others is how we make these kinds of cultural and system changes and they are happening steadily behind the scenes as well as in the public eye.

We have partnered with Adaptive Hawaii, a company dedicated to making a more accessible community on Maui and beyond. You have seen some of our work over the past 2 years and we will continue to update you on both behind the scenes and program improvements. You can follow the on Instagram at @AdaptiveMaui

We are so excited about this partnership along with other partnerships in accessibility that we have formed in the past 2 years including:

Adventure Sports Maui

Maui True North

Maui Surfer Girls

Glad Life Inc

Accessurf Hawaii


And many more.

Thank you to those who have nudged us in this direction and who have helped us get this far. We are stoked at the impact we have been able to make so far and cant wait for this all to be normal!